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How to Minimize Stress During a Move

According to, moving is one of the top 5 stressful situations among adults. Moving is a complex event that can last up to 6 months starting with packing to unpacking. Experiencing stress due to moving is normal. How you cope with that stress can mean the difference between a smooth move and a rocky one. Here are a few ways to minimize stress during your move.

Get Organized

Being organized and having a plan in place can help you overcome obstacles before they arise. For example, download our Move Checklist to help you categorize tasks and sort them on a timeline. That way you can see an overview of different tasks in an organized fashion. Plan tasks well in advance over the course of a few months and leave yourself plenty of room to get things done.

Enlist Help

Let other people help you get things done. After all, most things are better with two people than one, right? Use your Move Checklist to delegate tasks to other people such as family members and friends that are helping you move. Having extra people to help you with moving can lessen the burden of moving.

Create a Budget

Financial worries can be a huge stress factor in life. Moving expenses can quickly add up and lead to overspending. When planning out your move, be sure to allocate enough money to cover the moving expenses so that you don’t break the bank. Also, look for ways to save money such as getting free boxes, selling unwanted furniture, comparing prices and features when hiring movers.

Plan to Recuperate

Even with the best plan in place, moving can still be difficult.  It’s labor intensive, time consuming, and tiresome. Be sure to take care of yourself during and after your move. There’s nothing wrong with taking a few breaks during your move and there’s certainly nothing wrong with planning a massage for yourself after you’ve completed the move. Having these things to look forward to can help you mentally get through the stresses that moving might bring about.

Make the Timing Work for You

As they say, ‘Timing in Everything.’ The same is true with moving. The difference between and great move and a rocky one is often timing. As moving experts, we can assure you that moving during the summer time and/or on a weekend will make things more hectic. The reason for this? That’s when everyone else is moving as well. A better option would be to move during the week when most people are at work. Additionally the best times of year to move is during the Fall or Winter, when everyone has already done their moving for the year.

The truth is, moving is stressful. But it doesn’t have to get the best of you. Having a good plan in place, plenty of time to do various tasks involved, and a good group of helpers can take you a long way in minimizing the stress that comes along with moving. Furthermore, planning your move during off-peak times and seasons will prove to be beneficial in the long run because the streets are less crowded and it can also be cheaper.

Darrius Allen