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5 Packing Tips to Make the Big Move Easier

Moving is a lot of fun! Yes, it also comes with a lot of stress. But, the idea of uprooting your life and moving everything you own to a new place can be exhilarating. You get to make the new place your own. Get rid of old things, get new things, and make big changes in your life physically and emotionally. As movers we have had the pleasure of seeing families and companies through these big changes. It’s hard work, but the result is a transition and a chance to make real changes in your life. But first you’ve got to pack it all in, literally. If you’re planning a big move soon, here are 5 packing tips to make your move a little easier.

Label and color code boxes.

When things are tucked safely away in boxes, it gets really challenging to remember what is where. If you’ve packed up your entire life without labeling, you won’t know where things are, nor where to even begin once everything is delivered to the new place. Labeling and color coding boxes creates a system of organization. It provides information for anyone involved. A simple label such as kitchen, can be a road map for anyone helping you. They will know where to put each box, if they’re labeled. Adding colors makes it even easier!

Don’t overload boxes.

Although it might be tempting to pack boxes to the brim, it’s not the best move, pun intended. An overpacked box can be to heavy to handle and could cause delays in your move. It also could tear boxes mid-move and possibly damage the very thing you were trying to protect. Do yourself a favor and pack those boxes with weight management in mind.

Pack one room at a time.

As human beings we sometimes procrastinate things we don’t really want to do and that includes packing for an upcoming move. However, if you push pass the need to procrastinate, you’ll find that packing ahead of time can make things go much more smoothly. Namely, you won’t be up till’ midnight trying to finish packing. We recommend packing one room at a time. Start a couple weeks in advance of your scheduled move date. Start with the room you use the least. Work your way through each room slowly, until you’ve got everything packed. You’ll be thanking yourself come move day.

Keep Goodwill boxes far away.

If you’re giving anything to the local thrift store, don’t mix those boxes with the other boxes going to your new place. Be sure to label the giveaway boxes as such and keep them far away. It helps to even deliver giveaway boxes yourself. That way you know what’s going and what’s not.

Throw away as much as possible.

When packing, ask yourself if you really need what you’re packing. We tend to collect a lot of things over the years. If you’ve lived in a place for more than two years, you more than likely have a lot of things that can either be given away or thrown away. Moving gives you an opportunity to get rid of things you don’t really need. The less stuff you move, the cheaper your move will be.

Here’s a bonus tip! If you need help packing, hire outside help. Don’t ever feel like you’re doing things on your own. You can always hire outside help especially if things become too stressful. Our moving service offers packing, disassembly, unpacking, and re-assembly at an affordable price. Find out more about our moving packages here, and give us a call if you need help for your next move.

Darrius Allen