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4 Practical Tips for Moving With Kids


Moving can be difficult. According to HealthStatus, moving is one of the top 5 stressful situations a person can go through. Most moves happen because of a divorce, a job change, or separation. Either way, moving is a major life event and can be stressful enough for adults. It’s hard to imagine what that’s like for kids. In this article, we’ll discuss how to make moving less stressful if kids are in the picture.

Communicate the situation.

Getting into a routine provides stability for children. However, when you have an upcoming move, it can quickly throw everyday life out of balance. Talking to your children ahead of time and making sure they know what’s happening next can be very helpful. Taking the time to help children understand what’s happening helps them to better cope with all the sudden changes and it also creates excitement.

Make it exciting.

This brings us to the next tip. You can easily motivate children when they’re excited about something. Moving is no different. The more excited you can get kids about a moving event, the better it is for you. Just imagine how much more helpful they can be with all that extra energy! Have them help you box up their toys. Create a game out of it. Talk to them about decorating their new room. There are all sorts of little jobs you can give them to help you with the move while also keeping them busy.

Plan a fun adventure afterward.

If you think moving is stressful, your kids will probably agree. Plan a reward for the entire family after the move is done. That way everyone will have something to look forward to and continue working toward the goal of completion. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. It could be an outdoor movie and picnic in the new backyard or a fun day at an amusement park. Anything you can plan that would build up anticipation for getting through the move would be perfect, especially if it’s something the children will get excited about.

Start early.

As a professional moving company in Nashville, we have noticed that moves that have been prepared for far ahead in advance, have the most success. This is especially true when there are children involved. We recommend to start planning for your move early at least a month in advance. This gives you time to talk to your children and get them prepared for the upcoming move. It also gives you time to plan their activities and jobs. Having the extra time can also come in handy if any issues arise. You’ll have the necessary time to regroup and come up with a Plan B. Starting early has tons of advantages.

Moving is a huge life event. Preparing ahead of time can keep this often high stress situation to a minimum. Being proactive with your children can make or break your move. Use these tips to create balance and a smooth move with your children.

Darrius Allen