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5 Cleaning Tips to Make Your Home Sparkle This Spring


As Spring finally arrives, there are a few traditions we like to hold to; one of which is Spring Cleaning. The sun shines, flowers bloom, light afternoon showers flow and the new season unfolds. Families nationwide love to take this time to celebrate the season change with a freshly cleaned home from top to bottom. It symbolizes rejuvenation and it’s also a good way to keep the house clean year after year. Taking on the job of spring cleaning can be a bit stressful if you’re not careful. However, we’re here to share some easy tips you can implement to make this job go a lot smoother. In this article, we’ll cover 5 home cleaning tips to make your home sparkling clean for the new season.

What is your plan?

The first thing you need to do before embarking on this project is to develop your plan of action. Spring cleaning can turn into a big mess if you don’t have a step-by-step timeline giving yourself goals to shoot for and plenty of time to get those goals accomplished. For example, you could develop a week by week plan and clean the kitchen during the first week, the living room during week two, and so forth. This way, you’ll allow yourself enough time to get the job done without causing too much stress and overwhelm.

Stock up on cleaning supplies and materials.

Unless you’re a magician, you can’t make cleaning supplies appear out of thin air. With the amount of cleaning you’ll be doing, you’re going to need extra supplies. Take a look at what you already have and make a list of the items you need. Get the supplies you need before starting. You’ll be grateful you did when you’re in the middle of cleaning. Here’s a list of supply recommendations from Nancey’s Cleaning Services.

Giveaway things you don’t need.

You may not normally consider getting rid of things before doing spring cleaning, but clearing out the clutter will go a long way in jumpstarting that deep clean. Maybe there’s an old couch no one uses, or a dresser you don’t want. A quick look around with Goodwill in mind might help you to put your space into a different perspective. The less stuff you have, the easier your space will be to clean. Also, a space free of all that extra clutter will create a much cleaner look and feel. It will have your place feeling like new.

Need help taking things to Goodwill? We can pick up your Goodwill items and drop them off for you. Give us a call or contact us for a quote.

Gamify your cleaning operation.

Since spring cleaning can be a handful, why not make it fun? For every room you clean, give yourself a reward. You can do fun rewards like getting a new kitchen gadget, or buying a new eBook, or treating yourself to a spa appointment. You can also enlist members of your family to do some cleaning with you by incorporating gaming elements for them as well. Give them a reward every time they do something to help. This works especially well for kids. You can have them help with mopping or sweeping. You can have them clean their room. For younger children, check out this list of age-appropriate cleaning chores.

Don’t rush it.

Whatever you do, don’t try to rush through it. You’ll end up overworking yourself and your family. Take your time going through each room and enjoy the process. Cleaning can be very therapeutic. It’s a chance to take your mind off of work and familial obligations while still feeling productive. Know that it will probably take longer than two hours to spring clean you’re entire home and embrace that. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to complete each task as well as downtime in between tasks. In the end, it will all be worth it when you can sit down and enjoy the sparkle your newly cleaned home will bring.

Spring cleaning can be fun, but only if you make it fun. Starting off with a plan is the best way to take on such a big job with finesse. Involving family members in the operation can take even more of the stress away. Use The tips in this article to tackle the job of spring cleaning with ease.

Darrius Allen