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5 Tips To Make Your Next Moving Day Easy

One of the most stressful times in a person’s life is a moving event. While not typically done very often over the span of a lifetime, moving can mark significant life changes in a person’s life such as moving away for college, getting a new job, or getting married. Whatever your situation is, moving doesn’t have to be as stressful if you can commit to just a few adjustments to make things run more smoothly. Here are 5 tips to make your next moving day easy…

Pack An Overnight Bag

There will inevitably be boxes on top of boxes everywhere you look on moving day. That’s why it’s uber important to make sure you know how to access important things like toothbrushes, pajamas, and a few items of clothing for the next couple of days. Pack everything you think you’ll need for the next few days in one bag and keep that bag with you during the move. That way, when the moving is complete, you won’t have to go through a ton of boxes just to look for the toothpaste.  

Bring An Extra Set of Keys

To avoid getting locked out, be sure to have an extra set of keys handy. You keep one set, and stash another set safely away with either someone else or in your car just in case. Being locked out can add hours to your move which could cost you more money in the long run. 

Find Out On-Site Moving Regulations Ahead of Time

Depending on where you’re moving to, there could be regulations in place to prevent you from completing your move. Parking restrictions, truck restrictions, and facility use can be factors that can limit your access. If this situation applies to you, be sure to check with property management to make sure you’re aware of these regulations ahead of time.  

Plan For Pets To Stay With Someone Else

Your adorable furry companions are a big part of the family and we suspect they’re going to love their new digs. However, we recommend finding a place for them to crash away from the moving commotion. Strangers coming in and out, furniture being moved around, and the fast-paced atmosphere can be quite confusing and frustrating. Not to mention, they can be injured if they get in the way. The best case scenario is to let them stay somewhere else until the move is complete and bring them to their new home when things have finally settled down.

Move High-Value Items Yourself

Family heirlooms, precious jewels, and other high-value items don’t mix well with moving. You’ll want to keep these items close by or even on your person during the move to avoid them getting lost, damaged, or stolen.  We recommend moving these items yourself to ensure their safe transport to their next destination.

Moving is stressful. But there are things you can do to minimize that stress so that your move can be as easy as possible. Planning ahead, taking your time, and hiring professional movers to take the load off of you can make moving a breeze. If you’d like more moving tips, a free moving quote, or to make your next move easy contact us.

Darrius Allen