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5 Things to Know Before Signing a Rental Home Lease

Moving into a new place is both exhilarating and stressful. The change of scenery provides a new lease on life while the actual move can be labor-intensive and demanding. However, finding the perfect place is not easy. Things like location, neighbors, landlord, amenities, and lease arrangements can help or hinder your decision to move to a new place. As you contemplate the best choice for you, here are 5 things to consider before you sign a rental agreement.


It’s important to recognize the location of your prospective new home as it relates to nearby amenities such as grocery shopping, gas stations, restaurants/bars and coffee shops, and transportation. These are all places you will most likely frequent as a tenant and having these in close proximity will offer great convenience. If these amenities are not close by, you’ll need to make a note of that and find alternative ways to access these staples. Otherwise, you may need to find a different home altogether.

Additionally, think about how the general location of your new potential new home performs during all seasons and at all times of day. For example, the place might be really noisy at night if it’s next to a train track or a freeway. These are things to deeply consider before making the choice to move there.

Property Rules

Before signing a lease, it’s important to know what your new landlord will expect of you in terms of keeping the home clean. For example, they may have stipulations about what you put outside your front door, or in the backyard. They may even regulate how you hang posters and artwork on your walls. Be sure to read through all of the rules and determine if this is something you can live with beforehand.


In addition to rent it’s quite possible you might be responsible for other monthly fees as well such as electricity, gas, water, cable, and trash pick up. You should find out what utilities are included in your rent payment and what utilities are not. If there are additional monthly fees, you’ll need to know that ahead of time in order to budget your finances accordingly. The last thing you want to do is sign a lease and be saddled with a bunch of additional fees you knew nothing about. Additionally, some landlords mandate that you own a renter’s insurance policy which will come at an additional cost to you.


Maintenance is another aspect of renting to be aware of. It’s important to know who’s responsible for what between you and your landlord. It’s also important to know what you’ll need to alert your landlord about when things occur so an issue doesn’t get out of control. Otherwise, you may end up paying for it when you move out through your security deposit. In most rental scenarios, the landlord is responsible for the standard upkeep of the home while you are responsible for maintaining cleanliness of the home and repairing anything that you break.


Pets are a big factor when it comes to renting. You must find out what pet regulations are before signing a lease as it can stop you from actually becoming a tenant. Some lease agreements absolutely forbid pets, while others allow pets while forbidding certain breeds. Find out ahead of time what your landowner expects when it comes to pet ownership from his/her tenants.

Signing a rental agreement can be fun and exciting, but there are many factors to consider before making that big decision. Be sure to read every word in that agreement and make sure you’re willing to live with the conditions specified. If not, it’s time to seek an alternative.

If you need help moving, call us! We are expert movers who care about you and your belongings. We take pride in offering excellent customer service and white-glove care. Call today for a free quote.

Darrius Allen